Category: Classwork
Romeo and Juliet – The Insults Duel
Today we had volunteers duel verbally in Shakespearean insults and it was a close tie between Louie and Kai, who demonstrated their sharp tongues to deadly effect! ‘Thou simpering, lily-livered pantaloon’ was one of my favourites.
Romeo and Juliet – The Prologue and its purpose.
Last week we translated the prologue as a class and considered the question ‘Why does Shakespeare tell us the ending at the beginning?’ Ebeneezer made the well-observed comment that it forces the audience to react differently to the play. We discussed how ‘pageturners’ are all about how the plot advances, yet here we focus on…
Romeo and Juliet – Initial discussions
This week we have started to delve into Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’. The first task you approached with gusto was galloping around the classroom to the rhythm of iambic pentameter. We established the natural rhythm and then went on to read the prologue. Today we began to ask questions about why Shakespeare decided to…